Sunday, January 27, 2008

Signs of Fascism

Here's my definition of fascism, it is when more and more economic power is determined by the political process. It is when the State not only has a monopoly in the use of legimitate force but adds the power to tell holders of private property how to use their property. It is a sort of "light" nationalization of everything. No title gets transferred to a socialist government but the right to determine the use of property adheres to the State, and nominal ownership pales. If you cannot determine how your property will be used, in what sense do you own it? The State owns it under fascism and does with it what it will.

In politics, it is force and law and mob belief that determines how things will be done. When the 60's radical proclaimed that "the personal is the political" in true leftest fashion they stated it backwards. What was the reality is politics expanded like "The Blob" to subsume all personal preferences. The political became the personal.

So if you liked a BMW instead of a SAAB, if you attended certain progressive elite colleges you were in a distinct minority in the parking lots. People might even oppose you politically because you owned the wrong car. The political became the personal. You had to believe the correct thoughts, consume the correct products, live the correct life to be politically acceptable. Failure to follow the proscribed thoughts would lead to political punishment. Try in your personal life stating an unpopular thought just to see what freedom you have. Say asians have high IQ, African Americans, not so much so. I hope you did not really say that, even if you said that you did not mean it, you might be done in thein world more than a person rejected by all the selective schools.

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